
The Office of 研究 administers funding opportunities for students to conduct, 参与研究工作.

学生的资助取决于收到的申请数量和可用预算. 在学年内尚未获奖的申请人优先考虑.


学生旅行奖支持被录取参加专业活动的研究生和本科生. Presenting includes reporting research results, exhibiting or performing creative works, or otherwise disseminating results of scholarly activity.


The amount awarded is up to $800 toward expenses incurred during the approved travel. The amount will depend on the number of applications received, 可用预算, the number of times the student has applied for funding, 会议的地点, and the priority given to the application by the selection committee.


学生旅行基金 报销 旅行结束后,可通过我们办公室购买的机票除外. 任何未使用的资金将在旅行完成后退还给学生旅行奖励普通基金.

This tax-free award is fully managed and tracked by the ORGS.


  • 学生必须 展示 在活动中
  • 学生必须是 主要的主持人 项目的
  • 就读于 百老汇 校园
  • One award per student per fiscal year (June 1 - May 31)
  • 良好的学术地位
  • Enrolled in the semester or session during which the travel takes place
    • 博士学位论文“连续入学”的博士生,入学时间为1小时
    • 如果学生在春季到秋季期间保持目前的入学状态,则可以参加夏季旅行.



  • 机票
  • 里程
  • 会议注册费(不包括会员/组织费用、实地考察等).)
  • 酒店住宿
  • 通过日粮或收据用餐. (收据 必须 为购建固定资产)
  • Transportation costs within reason (e.g., airport to hotel if courtesy shuttle not available)
  • 停车
  • 会议注册费
  • 停车费


  • 统一膳食收据
  • 酒精
  • 娱乐
  • 客房服务
  • 现金垫款
  • 活动结束后的住宿
  • 与事件无关的旅行(e.g.(从酒店到餐厅)
  • 会员费
  • 租赁车辆


If awarded, you are expected to adhere to the following:

  • UIW学生行为准则
  • uw旅游政策
  • Received all research compliance approvals through our office, as applicable (IRB for human subjects research and IACUC for animal research)


  • 机票 - please apply at least two months in advance to ensure the best airfare. 从旅行之日起三周内购买的航班不能获得机票资金.
  • For non-airfare requests - please apply as soon as possible.
  • 你可以在旅行结束后申请,但申请必须在旅行结束后立即收到. 大学政策规定,费用和收据必须在旅行后10天内提交.


Only applications submitted online via Submittable will be accepted for review.

应用 for a Student 研究 Travel Award


本科生研究奖支持和鼓励有指导的学术研究, 科学探究, inventive technology and artistic/creative activity. 该奖项最高可达1美元,为正在进行研究项目并需要经济资助的本科生提供必要的材料,以便开始和收集数据. One award is made in the Fall and Spring semesters. Project costs include: subscriptions to 软件 for data collection and/or data analysis; 出版费用; materials such as lab supplies; or other costs for research-related materials that are not available at the university and are necessary to complete the research project.



  • Regularly admitted to a degree program
  • 良好的学术地位
  • Enrolled in the semester or in the session where the research takes place
  • 做唯一的或主要的研究者

The grant 必须 be used during the academic year in which it was awarded. Each individual is only eligible for funding once per fiscal year (June 1 - May 31).



  • 研究支持:最高1000美元. Includes costs for materials and resources required to begin or complete a project. This portion of the budget would include lab supplies, 软件, materials or other items that are necessary to complete data collection or analysis. 研究支助不包括为分享已完成的研究而召开会议的差旅费.
  • Faculty Mentor: The practice of paying a stipend to faculty for mentoring students 已经停产了. These funds are now reallocated to funding additional students. 学院导师将被要求在资金分配之前完成导师协议,并在资助期结束时完成本科生研究奖励评估表.


Only applications submitted online via Submittable will be accepted for review. All submissions are evaluated using this rubric:


应用 for an Undergraduate 研究 Award



The Graduate 研究 Award supports and encourages mentored scholarly research, 科学探究, inventive technology and artistic/creative activity. 该奖项最高可达1美元,为进行研究项目并需要经济资助的研究生提供必要的材料,以便开始和收集数据. Three awards are made in the Fall and Spring semesters. 项目费用包括订阅用于数据收集和/或数据分析的软件, 出版费用, 材料,如实验室用品或其他费用的研究相关的材料,没有在大学提供,是完成研究项目所必需的.


To be eligible for an award from the Graduate 研究 Award, an applicant 必须 be:

  • Regularly admitted to a master's or doctoral degree program
  • 良好的学术地位
  • Enrolled in the semester or in the session where the research takes place
  • 做唯一的或主要的研究者
The award 必须 be used during the academic year in which it was awarded. Each individual is only eligible for funding once per fiscal year (June 1 - May 31).



研究支持:最高1000美元. Includes costs for materials and resources required to begin or complete a project. This budget portion would include lab supplies, 软件, materials or other necessary data collection or analysis items. 研究支助不包括为分享已完成的研究而召开会议的差旅费.

差旅费不是允许的费用. Please apply for the Student Travel Award.


Only applications submitted online via Submittable will be accepted for review. All submissions are evaluated using this rubric:



该计划的目的是在指导研究经验的背景下为研究生提供机构财政支持. The award is restricted to graduate students who are:

  • Regularly enrolled in either a master’s or doctoral program.
  • 良好的学术地位 with the University.
  • 在预约发生的学期或会议中至少注册了六个小时(已经完成最低学位论文注册并处于“连续注册”状态的博士论文写作学生可以满足这一要求,一个小时的注册).


奖: 每学期(秋季和/或春季)三个小时的学费学分或一个学期六个小时的学费学分.


Current GRA opportunities are posted to 红衣主教的人才.



  1. These funds are to be used only for the purposes stated in the proposal and budget. 据了解,这些资金将基本上按照核定的预算用于这些目的. It is also understood that no substantial variances, 包括支出的时间安排, will be made from the approved budget without the ORGS prior approval in writing.


  1. 任何在5月31日之前未用于或承诺用于您批准的项目的资金将不会转到下一个财政年度. All purchase and check requisitions will cease on April 30. Anything submitted after the April 30 deadline 必须 have prior approval.


  1. 如果您从其他来源获得了同一项目的额外资金(包括部门资金), 请通知ORGS.


  1. 在一般情况下, 学生接受者被允许在预算类别内部和之间进行一定程度的重新预算,以满足意想不到的需求,并进行其他类型的奖励后更改. Written approval is required for budget modifications. 获奖者应立即通知ORGS对奖项支持的活动有重大影响的发展. 也, notification shall be given in the case of problems, 延误或不利条件,严重损害了实现中标目标的能力. This notification shall include a statement of the action taken or contemplated, and any assistance needed to resolve the situation.


  1. The 道成肉身的大学 is a tax-exempt organization. For any purchases that will require reimbursement, please use the 免税的形式.

在任何资金被分散之前, 需要遵守法规的项目必须有适当审查委员会的批准信.

请浏览我们的 研究合规网站 了解更多信息.

Purchase Order (PO) or Check Request Process

从供应商处获取您想购买的物品的报价或发票. 报价或发票应提供:

  1. 卖方名称.
  2. 项目和描述.
  3. 要求的数量.
  4. The total cost includes shipping and freight charges.
    *如果商品来自亚马逊, 您可以发送购物车的截图,并以PDF格式提交产品的ASIN号码.
  5. 提交电子 采购订单或检查申请表.

Process After Request (Purchase Orders)

  1. The ORGS will review the quote and ensure it is within the parameters of your award.
  2. The request will be processed for approval and the Purchase Order (PO) issued.
  3. 一旦生成订单,我们将根据您在表格上的指示订购/发送订单.

To order supplies with your award, use the following request form:

Purchase Order (PO) or Check Request Form

获得本科研究奖的学生必须在获奖后完成一项简短的评估调查. 教师导师津贴 已经停产了